Saturday 31 August 2013

Best Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnail For Blogger

 Best Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnail for Blogger used to show not only recent post but also show post thumbnail and excerpts of the post in side bar. If you need to change style it with your own design, you just need to change the CSS style. 

You have seen many recent post widgets in the sidebar manly in WordPress sites and you think that add a recent post widgets to blogger site. If you looking for that but you didn't know how to add recent post widget in blogger then don’t worries about this we give you step by step guide how to add recent post widget with thumbnail in blogger.

Steps of add Recent Posts Widget to Blogger

Step 1
Best Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnail For Blogger

Login into your blogger dashboard Go to Layout section in setting and click on add a Gadget link at the top of right side bar shows that below picture.

Step 2
When you click on Gadget link, a popup window will be opened. Now select HTML/JavaScript shows that below picture.

Best Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnail For Blogger

Step 3
Now select below code and past it into HTML/JavaScript .

<div class="eggTray">
<script src="">{"pipe_id":"1a6640e2a78b2c6e736f2220529daae5","_btype":"list",
"hideHeader":"false","height":"500","count": 8 }</script>
<div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 9px;" class="ycdr"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Grab this widget">Recent Posts Widget</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Blogger</a></div><noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript></div>
<style type=text/css>
.eggTray {margin:10px 0px;padding:0px;}
.ybr li  {border-bottom:0px #cccccc dotted; padding:0px 0px 10px 0px!important;}
.pipesTitle {padding-top:0px;}
.pipesDescription {display:true;}
.ycdr {background:transparent url( 0px 0px no-repeat; padding: 1px 0px 0px 19px; height:14px; margin: 4px 0px 0px 0px;line-height:14px;}
.ycdr, .ycdr a {color:#999999;}
.widget .popular-posts ul {padding-left:0;}

Step 4
Change your site URL in place of YOUR-BLOG/SITE-URL and also adjust your height and number of recent post.

Step 5
Click Save.

Now you're done. Go to your blog and see how its look on your website as shown in below picture.

Best Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnail For Blogger

Top 7 Blog Post Tips For Blogger

Top 7 Blog Post Tips For Blogger

Best 7 tips for blogger think about it. The possibilities are endless. Blog post tips don't always come easy, yet it's essential to keep producing regular, unique, quality content for your blog if you want to build readership and rankings.Your readers and subscribers won't come back unless new content appears regularly, and Google is looking for relevancy and freshness - which means regular updates (a few times a week minimum if you can!) are essential.

Here are a few 'Blog Post Idea Formulas' for those days when you've run out of ideas and need a little nudge to get your blogging juices flowing.

  1. Write a List: This one's always popular - fun to check out and interesting to read. Try 'top 10...', '5 best ways to...' or '21 Tips for...'. Alternatively, get creative - Everybody loves a good list post.

  2. Review Something: Reviews can be useful, interesting and show that you know what you're talking about. In some cases, they can create revenue as a paid post or by promoting a product your affiliated with. Books, software, websites, courses and any kind of resource can be topics for an effective review post.

  3. Interview Someone: Leverage the success and popularity of people in your niche or industry by interviewing them. Approach with a simple, polite email and set up a framework - could be a recorded call to turn into a podcast, could be a set of written questions. Great way to get associated with others and network with them to benefit you both.

  4. Trending Topic: This can be a highly effective way to get readership and attention. Writing about what people are talking about, excited about or feel strongly about already 'piggybacks' existing media and topics. Show your readership you've got your finger on the pulse by covering breaking news before others. This strategy can be a good way to get quick, short-term search rankings as well.

  5. How to...: Find out what your readership or target market want to do, and write a post telling them how to do it. Anything from getting ranked on Google to growing the perfect tomato - every niche is based upon solving problems and helping people do or have something they didn't before.

  6. How not to...: A simple twist on the 'How to' theme, this blog post idea can be very attractive and also carry massive value for your readers. How not to treat your blog visitors, pack a suitcase, cook an omelet - the possibilities here are endless.

  7. The Myth-Buster: Done right the myth buster is a killer post idea. Take a commonly held belief or idea, turn it on its head and reveal the truth... This one's a little harder to pull off, but if you can find a good myth to de-bunk and make a good job of it, there's massive potential for impact and reach.

Friday 30 August 2013

Best way Make a Post Sticky on Your Blogger

Best way  Make a Post Sticky on Your Blogger

Hi friends! We are know blogs are great formats for sharing information. When you create a blog entry, the typical blog setups, Blogger and WordPress, put your most recent entry at the top. The older entries are moved down the page. After awhile, the older blog entries typically move off the main page of a blog, and they're archived. The older posts can still be accessed, but they're definitely not as prominent for readers or search engines as the most recent post.

Sometimes you want to keep a piece of information in one place, normally at the top of your home page. Often you'll want to keep a summary of your blog or an important notice at the top of each page on your blog. This is referred to as keeping the information sticky. The "sticky" post or block of information doesn't move from its position on your blog. Here's how to do it.

Blog posts are included on a Blogger account using what's referred to by Blogger as a widget. A widget is a piece of code included in a Blogger template that tells the Blogger system to include some text or some kind of functionality. If you use one of the default templates from Blogger, you will find this section of code in the XML file for your blog setup, which can be accessed by going to Layout-> Edit HTML from your Blogger control panel.

(div id='main-wrapper')
(b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no')
(b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/)
These lines of XML tell the Blogger system to include your recent blog posts in the main section of the page for your blog. When you are creating posts, there is really no way to convey to the widget that you want a particular post to stay at the top of the page. Instead, you have to use a different widget, separate from the main "Blog Posts" widget described above.

For a blog I recently created, I wanted to have such a setup - a sticky post that would keep an overview of my blog at the on top of every page. I accomplished this by using a Blogger widget that actually doesn't deal with what's normally considered a "post" at all. Blogger has a widget called "Text" that suits the purpose well. If you click on any of the "Add a Gadget" links from the Layout page of your Blogger control panel, you can select the Text widget and enter the information you want to show up in your "sticky post". After you click Save, you are returned to the Layout page, where you can drag and drop the new widget so that it appears above your blog entries.

Thursday 29 August 2013

Hot Tip for Traffic with Google AdSense Tricks

Hot Tip for Traffic with Google AdSense Tricks

The Bloggers have a blog enterprise owner's target is to get massive traffic to their blog, if not the most important target and one of the ways that they can get this traffic through Google's publicity campaign in the content mesh. An publicity vantage that a blog owner can get through this campaign is that where the ads can be location is for the blog owner's choice. 

This is surely a great feature that you can avail of when you are trying to attract visitors to your site because you can choose the most relevant sites where your ads are displayed. Google AdSense network have thousands of blogs where you can choose where to run your ads and you can do it through pay per click or pay per impression.

When you choose the pay per click scheme you pay every time a visitor click on your ads and the importance of choosing only the more relevant sites come in here because you need not have to pay for clicks that are just for information purposes. Choose one of those blogs that may not too popular but more relevance to yours and you will get only quality clicks although these may be lesser in volume.

Choosing the pay per impression scheme, you pay for every thousand impressions that your ads are displayed on the blog in the content network. The more relevant blogs come in importance in this scheme and you can display a well creating image ad but this scheme may come out mere expensive and you have to make a really good decision.

If you are just starting on your online business and with lesser ad budget yet you can choose those sites where you may not have hundreds of clicks a day but these lesser clicks might just turn out to have good conversions. So this is a situation where you may not aim for hordes of traffic a day because your ad budget may be depleted earlier.

Also, if you are new in online business you can choose the pay per click method over the pay per impression method because the later is more expensive and you only need the PPC campaign and you can still drive traffic this way. In this situation the smarter advertiser truly get the better advantage.

A good tip in doing pay per click in your ad campaign with AdSense content network is to have ads with good copy. A truly interesting and attractive ad copy with compelling text in the ad title and description and can really motivate readers to make a click

An important aspect in doing your ad campaign through the content network is tracking and monitoring. Because your ad budget may be limited you need to know the results if the ads you run are giving your returns.

Best 2 Tips for Most Earning Google AdSense

Best 2 Tips for Most Earning Google AdSense
To day i explain to this post how to make money in the Google AdSense Business, you should know that some strategic planning is very important. You can't just wake up one day and decide that you want to go online and start making money with AdSense without a site, without a niche, and without any experience.

If you're desperate for money, find a different job. I know you're probably at a job that you hate, but for the sake of your online business, get a different job that is easy to do, light on the workload, and that pays you good enough to start running some ads and some leads for your business.

In this lesson, I want to share with you some of the things that you could be doing to earn money with Google AdSense today. I assure you that this process is very easy, and you could be up and running and implementing these tactics today. In fact, here's the Best 2 Tips for Most Earning Google AdSense.

Operate against very few competitors
The best way to do this is to operate in a niche market. This goes back to marketing 101. The less competition you have, the more likely you are to become famous in this niche, and people will repeatedly visit your site over and over again for more information. The more content you put up, the more people will come back to your site.

Sometimes, your competitors won't even know you exist in the marketplace. If you were to build an affiliate program and had people promoting your site for you, then the buzz would be going around in your niche, and people will start to know who you are in the niche. This will inspire a lot of copycats, and will inspire a lot of people who will try and run the same kind of ads that you running... copying site design and everything.

However, even if this happens, you may get around maybe 3 to 4 new competitors - which is nothing. You will still profit immensely, and you will still have room in your niche to make a lot of money. It's just the nature of niche marketing. Here's another tip for having success with Google AdSense.

Build an email list
With an email list, you can get repeat visitors to your blog or site quickly and easily. You should always be striving to build up a nice list so that you can market to them over and over again, and therefore increase the chances of them visiting your site and clicking on some of the ads that you have.

You will need to build a list. Sure new visitors are fine, but they aren't the bread and butter of your business - your subscribers are. When you hear people say that they get 1,000 hits per day to their blog... a good percentage of that is around 40 to 50%. I'm speaking from experience here.

With these 2 tips for blogging and Google AdSense, it's very easy to get started online, and it's very easy to start earning the clicks in your business that you are looking for. These tips are evergreen, and will work far into the future also.

Top 3 Tips to Make money with Google AdSense

Top 3 Tips to Make money with Google AdSense
Blogger is the basic of new beginners and making money with Google AdSense is a popular choice for anyone first starting out in internet marketing but unless you know how to check your keywords effectively you will be doomed for failure even before you start building your site.

This post will show you 3 things that you must check with every new AdSense site that you build.

You need plenty of traffic
For every keyword and especially your main domain keyword that you check you have to make sure it gets enough demand or traffic. It is no good building a site around a keyword and ranking number 1 in Google if there is no traffic for the keyword. A good amount of traffic to go for, for your main keyword is around 1000 exact match or below and below 800 for your other internal pages

Always check to see how many advertisers your keyword has
Before you choose a keyword you must check the CPC or cost per click to see whether or not the keyword has advertisers. You should always use to get an accurate figure how for how many advertisers are currently bidding on your keyword. Even if a keyword has thousands of monthly searches in Google, if says that there are no advertisers then stay clear of the keyword because you wont make any money. Also a good number of advertisers to go for is a minimum of 5.

You must check page 1 of Google for competition
Another check you must always do is make sure you give page 1 of Google a good check over to make sure you can rank otherwise it does not matter how much traffic your keyword or keywords get each month if page 1 of Google is very competitive then you will be waiting a lifetime to rank and make any money from your AdSense site. You must check Google for your main keyword every single time and still check Google for your internal pages also to make sure that you can rank.

These 3 tips will definitely help you to make more money with Google AdSense and if you even forget to check one of these then you will be fighting an uphill battle from the very start. There are lots more checks that you must know and you need to carry out with every new site that you build. If you want to learn exactly how to build profitable AdSense sites then you need to watch these free videos right away.

Monday 26 August 2013

Easy Ways How To Effectively Use Articles For SEO

How To Effectively Use Articles For SEO

Blogger and SEO are without any one blog is blind. Today, writing articles is one of the most powerful and effective ways through which one can improve a website's visibility and ranking on search engines.

Write many articles with a resource box and your website URL so that you can have many links pointing back to your website. Your articles will be further picked up and published by other directories or website, increasing the links back to your website. As you write more articles, you will be creating many links to your website.

Anchor the text that contains your keywords in your articles with your keywords and phrases. This will enhance your website visibility and ranking for your keywords. The more of your keywords or phrases you use, the better. By using your keywords, you increase the chances of your article and your website ranking high on search engines when someone is searching for information relating to these keywords.

Write high quality and captivating articles which many people want to read and which hub pages will also want to publish. The more captivating your article is, the more likely it is to be picked up by many hub pages and websites. This boosts one way links to your website.

Write and submit powerful articles so that you will be regarded as an expert in your niche. Once you achieve this status, many website owners will want to be linked to your website. Many websites will want to publish your articles on their websites. As a niche expert, you may also be requested to offer some reviews of products or of other websites, and when doing this you can include your website URL. This further increases the links to your site and hence your website popularity rank.

Follow the tips outlined above while writing your articles. Articles are a powerful tool for SEO and for generating traffic for your website. Articles are also not expensive. If you enjoy writing, all you need is time to write your articles. If you want to increase your ranking on search engines through writing and submitting articles, it is essential that you take article writing seriously and write as many articles as you can. All things considered, by providing quality content you will attract more and more visitors thus increasing your chances for more sales because these visitors are potential clients. It is a known fact that a stolen content won't be taken into consider.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Some Tips To Prevent Blogger's Block

Every bloggers want to the best of him. But you can't let it halt you. That is precisely why I've compiled some creative ways you can spark that Blogging muscle of yours.

Start a assemblage of blogs. It could be a jar or a can. easily location this collection jar on your table off to the edge. Every time you get an concept to compose a blog, just compose it down on a little part of paper and then location the 'blog slip' into your blog assemblage jar.

Watch some YouTube videos. This may not work for every person since it can effortlessly turn into mindless surfing of the web. But you could also discover certain thing and that thing you discover can be the theme of your next blog. 

You could also start a blog post about not knowing what to blog about. Sometimes all you have to do is just start typing a few words about something that happened to you or someone you know. At some point, you may actually be providing value by sharing your story. There could be some important lesson in there. At the very least, you would be sharing an networking with the blog-o-sphere.

You could start a blog file or a document. This idea is very similar to tip #1. You basically collect blog post ideas and file it whenever you come across something interesting. You can also add some notes or sentences when you insert the blog topic into the file. That would also give you some momentum and make it easier for you when you decide to use that topic for a blog post.

Last but not least is the timing aspect. I tried to blog about something first thing in the morning and not one idea even fell out of my skull onto my keyboard. But it is completely opposite for me when I'm trying to blog at night. I am much more creative in the evening and I also get into work mode quicker. Maybe, I'm just not a morning person.

Avoid the pattern of checking your email, surfing the web, watching videos, or checking your bank statement online whenever you are really deliberately trying to get a blog post out there for your readers to read. Checking and deleting email has hardly ever been a practice to spark your creative juices.

Stumble-Upon is one nifty way to gain some creative momentum. By Stumbling your favorite topics on this popular website/social networking community you are bound to come across an article, blog post, review, or video that is interesting to you. I know this may contradict an earlier tip to not browse on the web. The keywords are 'aimless surfing' and 'purposeful researching'. If you are not familiar with Stumble-Upon then take a second to check it out.

Saturday 24 August 2013

2 Hot Tips To Get More Views To Your YouTube Videos

2 Hot Tips To Get More Views To Your YouTube Videos

YouTube is famous video site, you can really set yourself apart from your competition. If you have great information or a popular video... you can easily get a lot of views to your videos, and have people talking about it all over the web (in your niche of course). YouTube can be a powerful thing, but you have to understand how to harness it and make it effective for you.

Now you will more than likely encounter some competition as you operate on YouTube. No matter the niche, there are people who are doing a good job marketing their website on YouTube. These people have experience, but you shouldn't be intimidated. You can have the same success that they are having too, if you follow a few simple techniques.

In this lesson, you will discover how to utilize YouTube to get a lot of traffic back to your website simply and easily. These tips will help you to gain marketplace dominance if you continue to do them on a daily basis. Let's not waste anymore time. Here's the first thing that you can do to have success with YouTube marketing:

Upload multitudes of videos
You know, YouTube doesn't mind you uploading a lot of videos to their website. They even have a bulk uploader that you can use to upload videos simply and easily. The point I'm trying to make is that by creating and uploading a lot of videos, you increase the odds of having someone click on your video, and click back to your website.

When I was a rookie and didn't know any other way to market my website online, I would create 10 YouTube videos a day. This was my only marketing strategy, and as you could imagine, my success didn't last too long due to the emergence of other people in my niche uploading videos also. But that didn't stop me from consistently uploading my videos. Here's another way to get more publicity for your site with YouTube:

 Encourage people to subscribe to your channel
How else will you get repeat views and visitors back to your videos if you don't have a large group of subscribers that can view your new videos when you put them up? This is who you should be marketing and creating videos for. Now of course you will want to attract new subscribers, but always strive to provide your current subscribers with great information that they can use to achieve their goals - or solve their problems.

The more subscribers you have the better. Plain and simple. This is similar to the concept of email marketing and generating a lot of subscribers to market to. These are the people who will more than likely buy your products, and the same is true with your YouTube subscribers. The more exposure they get from your videos, the more they will view you as an expert in your niche.

These 2 YouTube marketing strategies are things that you will want to do to have the utmost success in your business. YouTube can be something powerful, and if you harness it in the right way, it can yield some excellent results for your business.

Good luck with using YouTube in your internet business today.

Thursday 22 August 2013

How to Improve Our Lives with Social Networking

How to Improve Our Lives with Social Networking

Social Networking is an art. Socializing for most persons is very simple, but there are some who find this undertaking very daunting. Making associates is hard; the timid types are habitually residing home and curling up with a good book. Burying their lives in the pages of any innovative they are involved, has been the life they lead. Now arrives the wonderful world of communal networking, and there is a new lease on life. They can be a distinct individual on the line. The timid girl or young man is adept to have a healthy dialogue with any stranger and not seem timid or self attentive. Why is this? The individual they talk with is not able to see them, so, what ever inhibitions they may have is gone for the time expended on line with their new discovered friend. 

There are many social sites which have mushroomed in a short time since the invention of Facebook. People will log on to any of these sites in order to find a friend, or link with friends they need to make plans with; others use these sites to find long lost relatives. I did, I found my brother whom I have not seen in 10 years. This was a truly happy time for me. People use these sites to find school mates, make business contacts and to get information about any social event that they may be interested in attending.

There are Match Making sites, which lonely people use to find romance. This works out for some people while others are disappointed. Some find love and eventually get married while there are some who may end up meeting the wrong sort of person, and they are truly disappointed. There are risks in using these social sites to find a date. Many terrible things happen during these meetings, so the best way to go about this is always planning group socials, where you know all the people you go out with.

Planning events is another way of using social networking intervention. The events are sent through cyberspace and a lot of people will view your event and attend. Friends will see the posting and make plans to attend, in this way; you will probably see people you have not seen for a long time. So reunions are possible. However you choose to use social networking because it is a growing trend you may wake up one day and there are new methods to this innovative creation. The world is getting smaller; the utilization of this technology will increase as people find many more innovative ways to use this system.

A Way of Beginner's Guide To Starting Your Own Blog

A Way of Beginner's Guide To Starting Your Own Blog

To day i share with beginners for powerful base for blog , a way of  beginner's guide to starting your own blog .It is estimated that there are as numerous as one hundred million Blogs presently online in the Internet, each one an one-by-one sign of a individual, assembly or company. Adding yourself to this number, going online and expressing yourself through your own Blog, is a somewhat very simple undertaking, made all the more easy by a number of commercial and non-commercial Blogging services. For the beginner, this riches of Blogs and the number of distinct businesses proposing Blog answers may seem swamping at first, but a fast introduction to what is accessible and how to best utilize what is accessible clears the ground considerably. 

The first consideration a budding Blog owner should make is their aim. Do you, as a potential writer, wish to merely record your thoughts and impressions for family and friends, or for yourself alone in the form of a diary? Do you wish to capture a niche market with specialized knowledge and experiences, with opinions and information? Are your interests aimed more towards earning money through your Blog either through membership fees or advertising? For many the pull of the Internet is a perceived opportunity to make money, something which the weblog monitoring and news site Technorati, in their State of the Blogosphere 2010, clearly show to be a pipe dream. Once you have settled your aim, what you wish to achieve with your Blog, you should consider where in the marketplace your Blog is likely to find its home.

There are as many different categories of Blog as there are Blogs themselves: each is an individual work with its own characteristics, expressions and interests. Generally, though, Blogs tend to fit into several general categories: general interest; hobbies; lifestyle; fashion, computing; trade or work related; social. A beginner, non-specialized Blogger may then seek out a sub-category according to their more specific interests: women; games; specific hobbies; motherhood; travel; chat. Within these sub-categories are also further categories breaking the whole down into even smaller niches and interest groups which, for many Bloggers, are initially of little real interest.

Having decided upon which area you wish to write it is now important to ensure that you have enough time available for your Blog. The initial set-up time may take several hours - or even days if you decide to go for your own domain - and the writing itself, the all-important contents of your Blog require dedicated time at least three to four times a week. Most Blogs tend to fail within the first three months due to a lack of time or, in some cases, a lack of further interest. It is important to set your goals on a far lower level than the amount of time that you can expend on writing, especially if these goals include reaching a large audience as quickly as possible. Every single Blog begins small and grows, rather like a child, and needs to be nurtured before the world begins to take note of its presence.

The ideal of writing three or four times a week is of paramount importance. Firstly it brings you a certain level of discipline which you will need to overcome any initial disappointments, such as a lack of readership and comments. For those who visit your Blog it is also important to see that your site is active and that there is always fresh information, new entries which make their visit worthwhile and which will, assuming that the content is of interest, convince them to visit again. Secondly it sets you an attainable target. Having set times when you can sit down in peace and quiet to write a post can be much the same as writing to a deadline, but without the stress often associated with writing for someone else. It is worthwhile setting time aside and writing, to test the waters, prior to opening a new Blog in order both to ascertain how much time you will be able to dedicate to your Blog and to have an initial source of posts which you can load up to the site within the first few days of its existence. During this initial offline testing period you should also view other Blogs within your area of interest to gain tips and tricks for your own later use. Writing for yourself, prior to publication, also gives you a chance to hone your writing skills and learn the best way to express yourself, your interests, your opinions.

The next consideration is how you wish to enter the world of Blogging. Several non-commercial services are available for those who do not wish to purchase their own domain, the most popular of which is WordPress, closely followed by Blogger and Tumblr. These three services allow a great deal of leeway in design and have easy to understand interfaces for uploading text and images. Each also offers a wide range of different templates, many of which are free, as well as different plug-ins and add-ons which can enhance the Blogging experience for both writers and readers, allow linking to other sites of interest or links from other services - such as Facebook or Twitter. Setting up a Blog on your own domain is slightly more complicated, involving the installation of the necessary software through an FTP connection but, for the dedicated Blogger, with many advantages. Here the Blogging software from WordPress is highly recommended.

Once you have settled upon your platform, installed or set up your Blogging software, chosen and installed your theme, it is time to begin the actual work of expressing yourself. Here, in this new environment, you will see the advantages of having built up a small arsenal of written work to upload to your new Blog. The hardest part of writing is not, as some people imagine, finding a theme or subject to write about, it is the act of writing itself. Writer's Block, which can infect even the most professional writers at some stage or another, is the inability to set those first few words down on paper and then follow through with the rest of the text. Having tested your abilities away from your new Blog, as much as your limitations, this should be less of a problem. Now you can begin expressing yourself in the public domain.

Ideally you are writing for others to read. One of the reasons why many Blogs do not succeed beyond the three month point, aside from a loss of interest by the writer themselves, is an inability to gain an audience. Setting your sights too high can result in great disappointment: a Blog needs a great deal of work, a great deal of original content to become as success along with good links, backlinks and entries in directories. Most directories will not accept a new Blog which is less than ninety days old, that is, a Blog which has next to nothing of note in it and which could simply disappear. Other Bloggers are less inclined to link to sparsely written Blogs. 

As a beginner you should concentrate on writing good content and ensuring that this good content is accurate, well written, free of errors and easy to read and comprehend. This is not as daunting as it may appear, the better software programs have spellcheckers built in and the ability to preview your work prior to publishing it. Initially you should expect little or no reaction from the rest of the Blogosphere but, at the same time, you should make yourself known within your own interest groups. Read and comment on other Blog posts of interest - the comment form allows a link back to your own Blog URL - build up connections and friendships. Write entries connecting to other Blogs of similar interests - with links - using your own knowledge and opinions. Express yourself in both your own posts and in comments on other Blogs clearly, succinctly and with care.

Finally, for all new Bloggers a personal recommendation. The best ideas for a new post come at the most inconvenient moments, the middle of the night, during a conference, while you're out and about with no access to a computer. Carry a small notebook around with you, make notes, jot down sentences and ideas which you can later expand into full posts for your own Blog. Above all, though, be true to yourself: express yourself clearly as if you are talking only to yourself, even if the opinions you wish to express are different to every other opinion you have come across. A fresh view, a new opinion is always welcome.

Basic 5 Tips Critical SEO Mistakes Leaders Must Avoid

Hi friends! This question in every blogger mind SEO is what makes or breaks you online and it is up to enterprise managers to make the most of it. It is the enterprise foremost who tour guides a company's objectives and the route to be taken. The right steps can take you and your business to new heights. However, just as it is significant to take the right steps, it is equally significant to bypass the pitfalls that can depart you in the doldrums. Let's take a gaze at some of the things that can become a barricade to achievement.
Don't be a prisoner of the past -Keep up with latest
SEO is a vast and ever changing field with a number of possibilities. It is so easy to stick with the safe and sound SEO methods that worked always. But success lies in being conversant with the latest developments. Though some of the older techniques still remain relevant, the introduction of newer methods is what separates a mediocre marketing campaign from a successful one. Tools like analytics can get you an exact idea of your current position from which to build upon. Use the experiences of the past to your advantage and most importantly move forward with your eyes on the front.

Don't get into mundane minor details-Lead don't manage
As the leader, it is up to you to keep the comprehensive picture in mind and push forward accordingly. It pays to leave the nitty gritty details to the expert and keep your eye on the overall picture. As the leader it is your job to steer in the right direction and to ensure that there is overall coordination. Looking over the shoulder and demanding constant results is going to hamper your SEO consultant. It is his job to cover all aspects and to give impetus to the required areas.

Avoid organizational blockages-Streamline your organization to work as a unit
Large organizations can be cumbersome unless effort is made to keep communication channels open. One should make the organization responsive so that it works for the benefit of the company's growth. Every department should have clearly specified responsibilities along with an attitude for maintaining cooperation. An organization can be successful only when all its sections work together to satisfy the requirements of its consumer. SEO can get you the exposure you need, but the company has to capitalize on it through genuine service and products.

Marketing cannot be piecemeal-Amalgamate different marketing aspects
SEO is a culmination of different activities, all designed to promote growth of sales and not just ranking. It is not enough to just get traffic, it is even more important to convert this traffic into sales. A proper synchronization of different marketing aspects that perfectly sets off the other will produce dramatic results as opposed to focus only one type of marketing strategy.

Don't be shortsighted-Think long term
SEO takes time to show results; don't be obsessed with instant results. The graph should rise, but it cannot be a sudden steep rise. Investment in SEO is like a long term investment which gives the maximum returns with time. It is also worthwhile to encourage your staff to learn the basics of SEO. This facilitates a better understanding and implementation of SEO to the benefit of the enterprise.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook

Facebook  Facebook  Facebook  Facebook

Hi friends this topic old but i think its imported for student. Facebook  a popular name among those who are so into it. Individuals who have an account in Facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well. There are now series of improvements in the system just to make up with the shortcomings. Arguments regarding the different advantages and disadvantages of Facebook are stated below.

Facebook Advantages
  • Allows user search for new and old friends
  • Accessible to chosen universities having a high level of security
  • Makes it less awkward when communicating with strangers or people you are not familiar with
  • Love attraction - can be used as a dating service system
  • Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes
  • Allows members to check students who are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy

Facebook Disadvantages
  • Overcrowding
  • Weakening long distance relationship
  • Unsupported by physical adjacency
  • Contributes wide-range procrastination
  • Rampant addiction
  • Stalking is possible
  • Acquaintances be labeled as friends

Surely, the disadvantages don't pose a threat to you just by merely looking at it. Someone else has to prove that what users do with their profile is directly in proportion with what can happen to them. A user must understand what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistook them as someone else.

It is quite obvious that a trade off is happening between the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. While it increases the communication and connection between friends and the online community it also increases the risk of procrastination and makes it easier for others to stalk a user. Worse, some are actually punished for what they put on their profile and would claim that it was there only for fun.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Best 7 Powerful Tips To Make Money From Adsense Using Free Tools

Best 7 Powerful Tips To Make Money From Adsense Using Free Tools

There is actually no questioning that there are amazing incomes currently being made on Google AdSense and the actually interesting thing is that even somewhat little sites and blogs are finding new ways to make cash from their AdSense sites every day.

really there are a allotment of progressively creative ways to make cash and maximize on AdSense profits that are being found out and also being put to use every day. And what's even more fascinating is the detail that most of these devices being used don't cost anything. They are really free. Here are 7 of the most productive currently being used.

1 Ways to make money from AdSense by Distributing articles through hubpages and article announcement lists
Some of the most effective methods ways to make money from AdSense clicks involve the simple step of just increasing the volume of targeted traffic to a site. One of the ways of doing this is by distributing interesting content to hubpages lists and article announcement lists. It is not too difficult to quickly build a list that reaches a million or so email boxes and can thus give a lot of visibility and drive tons of highly targetd traffic to your AdSense site or sites. Probably the most popular place for doing this is at Yahoo groups, but there are a few others that you can find easily by using your favorite search engine.

Success here depends on three main factors. Firstly you should be careful to join article announcement lists and hubpages lists that are as relevant as possible to your subject matter and offering. Secondly your headline has to be a killer headline that will grab readers by the scruffs of their necks and force them to open your email message amongst the dozens or even hundreds of others they receive daily. It goes without saying that the content must meet the promise of your sensational headline. Anything less will cause annoyance and leave all those potential visitors to your AdSense site feeling cheated. And believe me, you don't want to cause this sort of reaction because it is definitely not one of the ways o make money from AdSense or any other program for that matter. Thirdly, you will need the sort of resource box in all your articles that will leave most of your readers with no option but to visit your AdSense site.

Within a very short of consistently applying this technique, my daily AdSense earnings increased seven-fold.

2 Ways to make money from AdSense by Distributing free articles to high traffic article sites
Some people find the recent trends that have seen an increase in article sites surprising. I don't. The net is primarily an information-seeking tool. Anything that will help improve the search and quality of information will greatly benefit the people making that effort.

Some of the older article directories receive very high traffic, mainly from web masters and site owners seeking quality free content for their sites. So apart from the immediate exposure these sites also guarantee plenty of future targeted traffic to your site, when folks find your articles useful enough to re-post at their sites.

The more new articles you release to these sites every week, the more targeted traffic your AdSense sites will receive. This is in fact one of the most effective ways of making money consistently from AdSense clicks. One of the reasons for this is that targeted traffic will tend to spend more time at your site or sites, and the more time they spend, the higher the chances that they will click one one of the AdSense ads posted there.

3 Ways to make money from AdSense by Using Articles And A Viral Marketing Website
Any online marketing technique that involves the use of referral marketing or viral marketing automatically has a huge chance of being a success. The net is ideal for viral marketing and in fact gives any viral marketer huge leverage. Viral marketing or referral marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Just ask Bill Gates.

When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after an earlier mistake of underestimating the future importance of the net, he launched his Hotmail free email service when rivals like Yahoo already had millions of users. He decided to use a simple referral marketing technique. Every Hotmail message that went out had a brief signature at the end requesting the recipient to sign up for their free Hotmail account. Within a few short months, Hotmail had millions of users. And there are many other amazing stories which viral marketing boasts of on the net.

There is one of the very simple ways to make money from AdSense by going viral. Sign up at a leading viral marketing site. You will automatically get your own viral site. You can then use some of your articles to point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is that anybody who signs up at your site will have to visit your AdSense site if you register it at the site. So within a very short time you will be driving thousands of visitors to your AdSense site.

Find more details on this at my blog whose address you'll find in the resource box below.
Admittedly this traffic is less targeted. Still the huge potential and possible numbers you are able to receive using this free tool more than makes up for this.

4 Ways to make money from AdSense With Your Email signature
People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple email signature as one of the ways to make money online. Actually this is a viral marketing method because emails get forwarded all the time and are even copied to several other people sometimes.

Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your AdSense site or sites.

Writing effective email signatures is a skill that you will have to develop, but I have found that using famous quotes is more effective than a straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised to online.

5 Ways to make money from AdSense By Asking Questions At Discussion groups
I recently had an interesting conversation with a young Internet and computer techie. He asked me whether there were quick ways to make money online by answering technical questions and helping people to solve their computer and web-related problems. My answer was that there were many discussion groups where participants would get these answers for free. I advised him that he had a better chance of making money by making use of this free advice available online rather than by trying to sell his own advice.

There are tons of online discussion groups where leading world experts will answer your questions and give you valuable insight for free. It is amazing why most people do not think of using these online forums to learn as much as they can about the most effective ways of making money from Adsense.
These forums can easily be found through you favorite search engine.

6 Ways to make money from AdSense By Bartering your online skills for valuable AdSense keywords
In the old days, before the invention of money, if somebody needed something, the first question they asked themselves was; "What is it that I already have that I can exchange for what I need? Barter trade seems to have been forgotten but it is a very powerful method of trading. More so online where people have plenty of skills but are slow to trust others enough to send them money for an item they need.

You can barter whatever it is you have, your skills, products or services, and exchange them for genuine valuable AdSense keywords. Valuable AdSense keywords are the most effective way for a small site with low traffic to earn big cash from Adsense. And you can do this barter trade on an ongoing basis so that you always have a constant supply of valuable AdSense keywords which you can use at your site or blog as one of the ways to make more money from Adsense.

7 Ways to make money from AdSense By Sending Teaser Emails
To Everybody In Your Inbox And Also To Your Opt-in Email List
Most of us receive tons of email in our inbox every day. You'll be surprised at the huge number of people you know by simply going through your email inbox. No matter how good your spam filters are, you are also bound to be receiving more than your fare share of SPAM or unsolicited email. All this is "gold" lying in your email inbox and there are ways to make money using these emails. All you need to do to process the emails into pure gold is to send out "teaser emails about the most interesting aspects of content at your site. The whole objective of teaser emails is to get people to visit your site. For instance if I were to send out teaser email on this content here is how I would construct it;

Use Google AdSense If you Want Some Especial

 Use Google AdSense If you Want Some Especial

To day i share very rear post blogging has gotten very big in the last few years. Almost everyone, especially the younger generations, have a blog of sort. For many, blogging is merely considered personal, but there are others which pursue blogging as a career. With the rising popularity of blogging, a lot of people now make money blogging. There are many ways to earn money through blogging, but perhaps one of the most effective is to make money with Google AdSense.
There are many online marketing tips that need to be considered if someone wants to make it as a blogger. The most important tip to keep in mind is how to build and maintain subscribers. Just like in any other enterprise, it is always a good thing to build audience, because the more people are exposed to a certain product, or in this case, a blog, the more opportunities there are to make money.
A lot of people wonder how it is possible to earn anything through blogging, some even wonder if it is even possible, since blogs for the most part, are considered by many as personal even if it talks about very objective topics such as news, fashion, cars, etc. what some people do not know is that blogs are actually a great platform on which companies could advertise their brands and products. Since blogs are more 'personal', that means that people can relate to them more than regular websites. They tend to trust blogs more because they are written by individuals they can intimately identify with. That's what makes blogs very useful tools in advertising.
Blogs can earn money through Google by allowing relevant advertisements to be posted on their blog. They will earn points every time people click on the advertisements on their blogs. These points can then be converted into money. This is how most bloggers get their money through blogs. Some of them even earn so much money that they have left their day jobs to concentrate full time on their blogs. Although it can be a difficult and daunting pursuit, those who become really successful feel very blessed for they get to earn money doing the things that they want and writing the things that are close to their heart.
Blogs are indispensable, nowadays. They have become one of the main sources where people get information from, and blogs also have become one of the best places where people can interact with each other, and learn about the newest products from advertisements.

Monday 19 August 2013

Cam4 Token Hack v2.2

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About Cam4 Token Hack v2,2

After long work, todayy we can present you Cam4 Token Hack. This tool can add tokens to your Cam4 Account.

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Cam4 have a problem with token system and we exploit it to give you tokens. We creating connection with Cam4 page and creating new codes in Cam4 database.

Follow this instruction to add

Sunday 18 August 2013

Candy Crush Saga Hack tool v1.2

Candy Crush Saga Hack tool v1.2 Free Last Version !

The creator of Games like Bubble Witch Saga,, has done it again. With Candy Crush Saga, they have already magnetized around 5 million daily users and have driven this game to the top 4th position on facebook.

Our exclusive candy crush saga hack tool allows you to hack the game unlimited times. You can get unlimited free

Saturday 17 August 2013

Ripide GP 2 Hack Tool v4.00

Ripide GP 2 Hack Tool v4.00 Free Last Version !

Riptide GP 2 

Riptide GP2 kicks everything into overdrive, with intense online multi-player races, upgradeable hydro jets and riders, improved graphics, an all-new career mode, and a whole new stunt system with dozens of new tricks!

Featuring rocket-powered hydro jets racing around futuristic tracks across a dynamic and

Pocket Legends Hack 3.3

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Pocket Legends is a cool 3D multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Spacetime Studios and can be played on iOS as well as android platforms. The game is set in the Fantasy world of Alterra where players can level up only by completing quests. Players can choose from three different character classes, which are Enchantress, Avian and

Find out The Typical Google AdSense Profits For Newbie

Find out The Typical Google AdSense Profits For Newbie

One should have equitable information about the usual AdSense profits before they venture into AdSense scheme. However, it is rather difficult to estimate the average AdSense earnings because one of the rules by Google strongly disappoints the publication of revenue and earnings related data. But on the cornerstone of average cost per clicks, mean bang through rates and mean traffic grades we can work out an approximate figure of AdSense profits.

According to the newest approximates, $0.50 is the mean Pay Per bang on an AdSense promotion. The Pay Per bang scheme of Google is fundamentally the monetization of traffic. Even though the Pay Per bang rate may appear minuscule at first, but the number of visitors on your website who bang on ads can help you make sufficient AdSense cash! Thus, it depends on the world wide web traffic. You will be adept to make the most of the design if substantiate amount of visitors overtake through your website.

About 100 to 200 persons visit an averagely thriving AdSense website each day. But all the visitors do not bang on the publicity brandished on the website. On a mean, 2% to 5% persons travelling to an averagely optimized AdSense site will click through the publicity. while, if the AdSense location has been extremely well optimized it may be adept to pull more than 10% bang through rates. So, with the help of this data we can make a uneven evaluation of profits of a usual AdSense per website. If we take bang through rate as 5%, then a usual AdSense site will profit from about $5.00 per day. There are some AdSense sites that may profit from much more than this estimation while some may earn even less than this.

Even if we accept $5.00 a day as mean AdSense profits for each website, then what is the typical AdSense earnings per AdSense publisher? This worth is even more difficult to approximate. An AdSense publisher may have one to hundreds of AdSense websites. The successful webmasters have a number of good and high value AdSense websites. You can profit from up to $140.00 per month if you have just one average accomplishing AdSense website. The more value AdSense website you will have, higher will be your AdSense income. If you will have information of usual AdSense earnings, you will get motivated to construct single or abounding of AdSense website that performs well and maximise your AdSense income.

Worlds most wanted 10 Dark And Black Style Free Blogger Templates

In this post i have 10 awesome Blogger Templates with dark and very dark themes.Once again picking just ten was almost imposable, i sensed like a referee on a reality TV display having to choose a peak ten.There was a time when outside of the default Blogger templates the choices were restricted, but the templates available for Blogger now are unbelievable as designers let their creative side run wild.All these templates are free and are checked to work on all major browsers. 

 Most of these templates have extra Gadgets and Widgets built in like :

►Social bookmark buttons ►Re-tweet buttons
►Email subscriptions ►Search bars
►Read more functions ►Featured content sliders
►Menu bars and more..

So i managed to pick a top 10 but i have not put them in any particular order.Click on the Template title to get the preview and download details.

1. Night Tales - Unique Blogger Template

2. Sleepy Hollow - Halloween Blogger Template

3. Rythmag - Music Template

4. Design Pile - Web Designer Template

5. Twilight - Movie Blogger Template

6. SteamPunk - Industry Blogger Template

7. Web Tech - Black Blogger Template

8. Bad Mojo - Horror Movie Template

9. Fo1.01 - Ultimate Girly Template

10. Blog Dead - Metal Skull Template

15 Most Popular Unique And Best Free Blogger Templates

The best quality of Blogger templates has arrive a long way since i started using Blogger nearly 5 years ago.Recently i have noticed a tendency in the direction of more expert topics by many of the template designers.It appears over half the new templates i add to our Templates Blog, while of a great benchmark have the same rudimentary layout.

The layout i mention to is whats often called publication Templates and in most cases they have neutral colors, Split header with one or two meal lists, boasted Posts Slider, Fixed Read More with thumbnails on home page etc.Don't get me incorrect i love these templates and am at fault of being dull and utilising a Magazine template on all my blogs.But in this mail i want to register some more Creative, Colorful, Artistic and Plain Odd templates you can use on your Blogger blog.

So in no specific order is my very popular 15 exclusive And strange Templates and of course they are all completely free. 

1. Revolt Blogger Template - This definitely falls into the Odd category, why not make your blog design be a full size picture of you holding a placard ?.

Demo, Download And Details Here : Revolt Blogger Template

2. Puppet Blogger Template - A very bright colored 2 column template with a right sidebar.The images and menu links hanging from the top of the template give this template its name.

Puppet Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Puppet Blogger Template

3. Back To School Blogger Template - Another Very Colorful 2 Column Blogger Template With Ab Right Sidebar And An Education Theme.

Education Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Back To School Blogger Template

4. Monstic Blogger Template - I still have to figure out the thought behind this design, is it a cartoon or video game theme ? However the template has 2 Columns With A Right Sidebar and a one eye character adds an odd unique look.

Monastic Odd Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Monastic Blogger Template

5. Deli Store Blogger Template - A very cool 2 Column Template with a right sidebar and cookery theme.The header is eye catching with the large image of a deli store and the posts and sidebars are designed like a specials or menu board.

Deli Store Blogger Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Deli Store Blogger Template

6. Fo1.01 Blogger Template - With an odd name and unique design this is the Ultimate Girly template.The template has 2 columns with a right sidebar and a full leght girl down the left side.

Best Girly Blogspot Theme

Demo, Download And Details Here : Fo1.01 Girly Blogger Template

7. Blog Dead Blogger Template - This is a dark Heavy Metal Style Template With 2 Columns And A Right Sidebar.Perfect for blogs with a darker theme there wont be many posts about Celine Dion on blogs with this template.

Heavy Metal Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Blog Dead Blogger Template

8. Online Business Card Blogger Template - A very clever design lets create a business card with a blogger template.With space for your picture, Contact and Website and social profiles this would make a great about me page.

Online Business Card Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Business Card Blogger Template

9. Night Of The Stars Blogger Template - A very creative 2 Column Blogger template with a nighttime or dream design.

Stars Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Night Of The Stars Blogger Template

10. Jungle Book Blogger Template - This is one of my favorites, a 2 column template with a cartoon type design.The background takes a view from above and below ground perfect for Family Blogs or Blogs For Kids.


Demo, Download And Details Here : Jungle Book Blogger Template

11. Red Passion Blogger Template - As I'm publishing this post at the beginning of February why not add a unique Love Theme blogger template in time for Valentines Day.The template has 2 columns with a left sidebar.The color scheme is a blood red with a special header containing an embedded search bar and links.

Valentine blogger template

Demo, Download And Details Here : Red Passion Blogger Template

12. Kids Style Blogger Template - This template has a colored pencil style sketch design that looks awesome.The posts have the appearance of being on a clipboard it has lots of extra features.Kids style is Perfect for Family Blogs, Kids Blog or even personal blogs.

Kids Blogger Template

Demo, Download And Details Here :Kids Style Blogger Template

13. Design Blog Blogger Template - This is an incredible design that will really stand out.The theme is bright and fun with the main feature being the real hand with pencil created to look like it's drawing the template.The one downside to this template is the Title section is limited but you could change it with a few edits to the code.A great option for design blogs or art blogs.

Design Blog Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here :Design Blog Blogger Template

14. Earth Blog Blogger Template - This is a nature theme that like the Jungle Book template above is designed to look like you can see above and below the ground.Very unique and beautifully created Earth Blog would work great on Nature Blogs, Farm Blogs, Animal Blogs and more.

Nature Theme Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here :Earth Blog Blogger Template
15. Jeans Blogger Template - I'm sure whoever created this template created it with for a specific blog.The design is really unique and i think its great although I'm not sure what type of blog you would use it on.The header is huge with a pair of jeans...Ehh ? The posts are shown with the title and thumbnail and a small image scroll is below.

Jeans Blogspot Template

Demo, Download And Details Here :Jeans Blogger Template

So that's some cool options for your blogs you can find lots more Free Blogger Templates here Blogger Tips and Tricks

Drop Your Comments, Views And Questions Below.

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Friday 16 August 2013

Best 3 Blog Monetization Techniques

Best 3 Blog Monetization Techniques
 Using blogs to make cash was not very well liked method until four or five years before, when the number of blogs begun to increase exponentially. A blog in short is a website where one has the flexibility to share everything that arrives to his mind. The word blog itself derives from world wide world wide web and log. As of now there are pretty much two types of blogs - personal blogs, which are to announce family members or associates about diverse events and undertakings. 

The second kind of blogs are the ones we are going to concentrate on with this item - the enterprise blogs. They are solely utilised to profit from their author cash. So many persons are leaping into blogging, since it is a source of the so called residual earnings. This means that after certain time span of hard work and efforts, the blog will extend to make cash on autopilot.

conversing about making cash through blogging is one believe and actually earning certain thing is entire allotment distinct. There are diverse advances and monetization forms. Some of them can be rather effective, while other ones might turn out to make close to nothing. This counts on a lot of components, so endeavoring as much as you can on your own is the only way to glimpse what works for you the best. With the next couple of paragraphs I would like to insert you to 3 monetization methods, which in my attitude are the best accessible out there.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is without a doubt one of the best possible ways to monetize a website. The method involves selecting specific product, which is relevant to your blog's content and promoting it by adding reviews about it and lending links where appropriate. The product can be pretty much everything, but if you're offering information on marketing subjects, I would advice you to try your luck with e-books. Those sell quite well, as they are affordable and provide unique and in most cases useful information. So each time when someone decides to buy the product, you earn a commission (in most cases 50-70% of the product's actual price). The best place for beginning affiliate marketers is ClickBank.

Google AdSense
Google AdSense is one of the widest used monetization programs and there are not many who haven't heard at least once something about it. The concept is quite simple - using number of various algorithms, AdSense places relevant ads on your site's sidebar. When someone cares to click on an ad you earn. Sometimes you may get as much as one dollar, while other times as low as one cent. This depends on a lot of factors, such as your site popularity, the time you're using AdSense, the site's topic and the advertisements themselves. There's also the option to earn from impressions - again the payment rates can vary and you get paid per 1000 impressions.

Selling Ad Space
Although that one can prove very beneficial, it is geared towards the more established websites. If you are getting decent amount of readers, the chances are that there will be companies who'll offer you a monthly fee in order to place their websites on your main page. The bigger part of blogs I have come up charge around 15-20$ a month. You decide how much ads to put - the more you add, the higher the revenue you'll earn, but keep in mind that visitors would prefer a cleaner look and if the whole sidebar is full of ads, you might get readers scared away.

Of course that is just a portion of the monetization techniques available, but I believe that those are just enough for beginners.