Monday, 9 June 2014

Identify Technology behind 3D effects Amazon Cell

Identify Technology behind 3D effects Amazon Cell

Amazon will introduce its first cell on June 18, but has been one of the most mysterious products this year. In general, it is believed that the e-commerce giant would be presenting a cell phone with a 3D interface, possibly offering a special data plan that best expose their products and services to different users.

Now, TechCrunch claims to have identified the technology behind the 3D interface, and supposedly a face recognition system Okao Vision Omron.

According to the report, Amazon have customized the creation of the Japanese company, so that 3D effects offer an LCD screen without special glasses regularly needed. However, Amazon will be supporting four cameras that are on the front of the cell to track your face. Similarly, Amazon technology would also use accelerometer and gyroscope for this same purpose. For example, if you tilt your face you a little to one side, the interface will show a hidden cell in the Amazon that normally would not see in another position or another angle panel.

Additionally it Okao Vision can monitor expensive user, you may also recognize the features of the person and determine that gender is the person that race, but to be seen whether Amazon would also integrating this as part of the cell phone technology .

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